After spending the month of May in Cairo, I returned to Montreal to take care of few personal matters before the new academic year starts in September. It was a very self centered summer. Still, I could not stop worrying and reading about events back at home.
Lots of things happened since the end of May: the results of the referendum on the constitutional amendment, few violent demonstrations, the assassination of the Egyptian ambassador in Baghad, Sharm el Sheikh’s explosions, the presidential elections nominations, the boycotts, the failure of Arab leaders to convene for an “emergency summit”, and the Israeli withdrawal from the Gaza strip.
I hate to admit that my hope in the betterment of Egypt is loosing its grounds bit by bit. Few weeks from now, Mr. Hosni Mubarak will win the presidential elections with a new mandate; the mandate of being “elected” amongst several candidates or as I would like to call them clowns of the elections circus. However, the mandate that sustained Mubarak in power all these past years and will still keep him in power is not the mandate of the votes of the Egyptian people. It is the mandate given to him by an oligarchy of business men, government officials, and all the benefactors of the status quo. It is also a mandate given to him by the US and Israel. Who else is making sure that the American and Israeli plans in the region are achieved and implemented according to plan? Who else is making sure that Israel is integrated into the region through commercial and economic treaties such as the Qualified Industrial Zones (QIZ)? Who else is enforcing the legitimacy of the interim Iraqi government? Who else is supplying Israel with natural gas? Who is helping Israel implement its unilateral disengagement plan in Gaza by training Palestinian forces and by guarding the southern Israeli borders? Who else other than his Excellency President Hosni Mubarak and his corrupt regime?
I hate to admit that all these benefactors were stronger than the forces calling for change in Egypt. Even the other presidential “candidates” are benefiting from the elections circus. The quasi-parties are getting half a million pounds for just putting the name on the ballot. I will be very surprised if they will actually spend ten percent of this money. The two main “contenders” Ayman Nour and Noeman Gomaa are basically there for the show and to enhance their public image. I do not think any of them actually thinks that he stands a chance to even getting fifteen percent of the votes.
On another track, the opposition forces missed a life time opportunity to unite and to take the same stand. The Muslim Brotherhood is still playing the same game of being friendly to everybody to survive. The Nassirist and the Tagamue parties failed to get the other parties on their sides in the boycott. Kifaya movement is still struggling though there is little it can do if everyone else is running after his own benefit.
The only hope is that the judges will take a historical stand and boycott supervising the elections process. Along with that, the resurrection of the political life in Egypt is giving me hope.
Well, the summer is over and there more to work on, dream of, and aspire to.

The Summer Is Over