Askon beyout el farh. Ah! momken
Askon beyout el houzn. La youmkem
Wi moustahil ya hozn rah toustoun
Idir el zamn ifhamna
Ah! Yimken?!
Shakilni bi ta3m el afrah
Loweini bi loon el touhaf
Wi bi ta3am el manga
Wi kamanga ti3zifli 3ala el garh artah. Yemken?
Mashini 3ala koufouh el raha
Nassini low helm wi rah
Wi Ishmi3na el ma3na beiy3rafini
Low bateit fi ouloubna girah
Askon beyout el farh. Ah! momken
Askon beyout el houzn. La youmkem
Wi moustahil ya hozn rah toustoun
Idir el zamn ifhamna
Ah! Yimken?!
For the non-Arabic speakers:
I live in the houses of happiness. Possible.
I live in the houses of sadness. Not possible.
Sadness you will never ever live.
Can time really understand us?!
Yes. Perhaps?
Mold me in the taste of happiness
Color me with the color of apple
And with the taste of mango
And with a violent, play for me on my wounds. Will I be relieved? Perhaps?
Walk me on the palms of relief
Let me forget if a dream is gone
Why is it that the meaning knows me?
If wounds stay the night in our hearts
I live in the houses of happiness. Possible.
I live in the houses of sadness. Not possible.
Sadness you will never ever live.
Time can understand us?!
Yes. Perhaps?
Who said translation is an easy job!
Montreal. November 27th, 2004.